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ISS tracker and Detector.

Do you love to explore the dark side of the cosmos?......are you in love with physics or Cosmology??.....then for you i have some great thing do!!

Some or other time y'all must have seen shooting stars but if you really like to gaze throughout the sky ....friend just carry on!
The thing which I'm goin to tell you will surely get you thrilling chills and surely enhance your Curiosity over SPACE.

So the thing is .......Everyone knows about ISS right??.....which is International Space Station that is a giant research laboratory placed in the Earth's orbit in space revolving around blue Blue planet approx 16 times a day!

Here comes the Major thing.....the ISS reflects the sunlight and is visible to naked eye and yall can track it down from your respective location and observe it when it's on your overhead.

How To Do So?
 You simply have to download an app from playstore named "ISS DETECTOR"
Here's how it looks like:
This App provides you the exact timing , magnitude , elevations everything about the ISS FLARE so that u can track it down.
It even has a gyroscopic radar in which u can calibrate ur device and get exact point in the sky to look at!
Here's how it looks:

And that's how you can Observe the ISS moving like a star.

How It Feels Like?
In  mine case i was a born curious about space my first observation i did it when i was in 5th Grade.....IT REALLY GIVES U THRILLS and starts feeling like u are a scientist.
Obviously......the sky who no one has control and observing something onto our predictions is really AMAZING feeling and it's it's memorable!
T H A N K Y O U ! !


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