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Amazing Top 5 Thrilling Space Movies to Watch!!

In the Era of binge watching movies, series of Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, etc. You might feel something to watch really really unique and a bit knowledgeable too.
Yeah!.....I'm talking about all time favourite Space Movies which had gathered Cosmology a great fame into this industry.
So let's talk about it:


→This movie is so popular into the field of Astrophysics that people now actually differentiate that there are two types of people in this world who understands this movie amd other ones who don't!
Yes....this movie is bit complex to get it for the first time because it includes Concepts holes, Time Dilation, Tesseract or the fourth dimension, Gravitational Slingshot, etc.
This movie is really at the top of the heart of all Space lovers!
Amazing Space and Phsyics based movie INTERSTELLAR motion picture at the time of release

2) Gravity

⟶This movie doesn't involves any complex physics concepts or phenomenas but more importantly it gives the clarity about life in Space and something known as "SPACE DEBRIS".
You will come to know that how difficult it is for our astronauts to survive in Space. And I swear this movie will give you a feeling of a thrilling ROLLER COASTER ride!
One more fact about the movie is that -
This movie is more costlier than the Actual Space Mission of INDIA (ISRO)......of Mars i.e Mangalyaan or MOM mission.
Amazing roller coaster ride film GRAVITY poster

3) The Martian

⟶This movie is also one of the greatest loved movies of all time. This is space as well as SURVIVAL movie as well. So in case if u love to watch survival movies, this movie is really for you!
This movie was soo realistic as if it was really really shot on the red planet MARS

4) Passengers

⟶This movie is personally mine favourite movie.
It shows the process and execution of " Human Hibernation " in which many of the people are made to hibernated into a well developed chamber and placed into a very well developed and advanced human environment spacecraft and their mission is to go on some another habitable planet and wake when they reach.
This movie casts beautiful and sizzling actress JENNIFER LAWRENCE

5) Life

⟶Life as the title only suggests and tells that it narrates something about life. And yes it's synopsis goes through like there are couple of research scientists in ISS like laboratory in Space where they conduct experiments of different things including MARS's soil......and what they found is only the title!!
this movie is soo fantastic to watch still fans are waiting for the next part

There are many more space movies but these are some of the best of em . Hope u like it.
 T H A N K Y O U ! !


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