Does GOD exists??
Occasionally, now or then something we all must have wondered upon is that if GOD whom everyone worships since the humans came into existence exists?......
After Human evolution from monkeys to perfect Homo-Sapiens when we all got brains we started studying nature and laws of nature, ultimately which is the meaning of "PHYSICS".
Is GOD really present in the heavens up there??
Soo.....considering the same thought many many theories came into existence and they also vary from region to region , religions to religions. After Human evolution from monkeys to perfect Homo-Sapiens when we all got brains we started studying nature and laws of nature, ultimately which is the meaning of "PHYSICS".
From very beginning only everyone had a belief that GOD is in the sky watching our deeds and justifying things and some people even worshipped SUN and the word "up" gave rise to the study of ASTRONOMY and all this started.
Where Quantum Mechanics says that -Everyone each of us makes a difference in realities on our observations. Hence nothing remains unaffected.
Everyone observes a different reality. So the question is what actually the so called "REALITY" is?? that the GOD we're talking about?
Coming back to the present moment,
There are various faces, sculptures and monuments of GOD which were developed in ancient age by our ancestors......
but wait they're the same people who sculpted drawings of different animals and basically they draw what they saw.......
so had they met with GOD and hence we're having the faces of GOD we are worshipping now??
But wait let me tell you mine theory or opinion on this thought! :
Before the Big Bang Happened there was nothing present and even "nothing" wasn't present, there was infinite singularity and after the Big Bang it lead to the formation of planets, stars, clusters, nebulae, galaxies, black holes and every other interstellar objects.....where did it all come from??
Now......after few million years there will be continued collisions between planets, stars, galaxies forming another new stuffs and like this the last survived star will burn up its fuel and hydrogen and die and again the entire universe will become "nothing" and achieve the state of infinite singularity.
Is it the routine of the universe?
But but but......
All the thing which doesn't gets destroyed is the existing "Nothing" or the space itself where all objects are accomodated.
And it's not getting destroyed because GOD is immortal and Immortal is SPACE.
Hope y'all must have learned something new and had a bit of conclusion now about GOD in brief!!
T H A N K Y O U ! !
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