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What are the Basic Building Blocks of the Universe??

We all atleast sometimes y'all must have thought that what this universe comprises of?

What is this universe made up of??

To reveal this mystery we surely have to go into some deep and pensive Science and Physics.

If you have ever been to simple Science then you will define as the stars and planets are the content that makes up the entire universe, well that's true but you are surely observing the universe at a very large scale.

So what we have to do is to curtail the observational perspective.

At once, right away keeping Complex Physics and stuffs aside to know what the universe is made up of?, we're goin to diminish the observation perspective i.e from planets and stars to land, mountains, rocks, soil and likewise reaching at the answer.

And at that time you will realise that you ultimately, unknowingly entered into physics, well......your welcome!!

Acharya Kanad, The Indian Sage Who Developed Atomic Theory 2,600 Years Ago. According to what we learn in school these days, English chemist and physicist John Dalton – who was born in the late 18th century – is the man credited by modern science with the development of the atomic theory.

Well, that's definitely correct that each and everything is made up of billionstrillions of "ATOMS"

By curtailing and diminishing stuffs we've reached on a point where no divisibility is possible that is - an ATOM!...i.e of size 10^-10m that means simply MILLION times smaller than your HAIR!!

And you will be amazed that still they're not the building material of the universe.
Now, if you have ever studied little bit of physics or chemistry then you will say that no- the subatomic particles which atom is build up of i.e ELECTRONSPROTONS & NEUTRONS
that's the thing universe is made up of but suprisingly even that's not the truth or reality. And their size is about 10^-15m.

Actually, even these particles are subdivided into finer particles that is QUARKS, these are of 6 types - Up, Down,Top,Bottom,Strange and Strange and their size is 10^-18m.
And believe me guys..... PHYSICS is so immensively amazing, strange and surprising that even that's not the reality ....haha!!

And its now going to be revealed!

According to the STRING THEORY,
miniscule vibrating loops of energy known as STRINGS that is the thing which makes up the quarks and likewise makes up every other particle and objects in the Universe, and becomes the BASIC BUILDING BLOCK OF THE UNIVERSE - THE STRING!

The String theory also suggests that there are total of 11 eleven DIMENSIONS in the universe but the humans are capable of observing the universe in 3D perspective i.e just 3rd dimension!

And the most surprising thing that I'm goin to say is that - these all particles and stuffs that make up the universe actually makes up only the VISIBLE MATTER part of the universe in which more than half of the is enclosed by unknown mysterious stuffs like DARK MATTER and DARK ENERGY which does has effects on our regular visible matter but are not recognised and doesn't interacts also!

Hope y'all learnt something new! Thanks for Reading!

T H A N K Y O U ! !


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