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Ever wondered that, Is Time Travel really Possible?

We all often tend to do a lot of mistakes in our daily life and even some on a large scale and that mistake has a detrimental effects no matter whether it took place in relationship terms or in a nuclear chamber leading to the death of millions like the CHERNOBYL.

In such circumstances we often feel like travelling back in time and resolve and rectify our past mistakes causing a better tomorrow which is the PRESENT moment actually! 
(A paradox created lol)😂😅✌️

Before entering in deep Physics let's understand first of all what's exactly Time is?

Although, sometimes it's just considered as a human based concept (what i believe)..........
There are even questions raised whether the time exists also or not ?

Time is the fourth dimension of our universe!
And it's a relative quantity. According to RELATIVITY - 
"The faster you move through Space, the slower you move through time".

So, yes it's possible!.....we just have to move blazingly fast almost closer to the speed of light .
Then why don't we travel in time?'s just because we cannot travel at such a high velocity!
 So, now you may feel like its impossible,  right?

But ......wait!....The Sunlight rays reaching us to Earth takes 8 mins to reach us travelling that much distance!

And , also the stars which you observe at night are soo light years away from us that they might even had died and their light is reaching us now!

So, what's happening is....... we're always observing and seeing the past which is no more present moment.
So again time travel possible, right?

Tbh, time is such a concept which is little complex to grasp in human logical terms which makes sense and hence people don't usually find sense and logic in quantum mechanics and paradoxes!

There is another theory in which a cylinder of dense matter with infinite lenght is made to rotate at extremely high velocity which is impossible to reach (with current technology)
and then it can travel in time.
It's called as "Tipler Cylinder".

Another thing which makes time travel possible is warping greatly the space-time i.e gravity.
The higher the force of gravity is , the slower you may feel time passing through!

And guys what i feel is that , TIME is all human based concept it doesn't exists in real.

Like you won't be knowing that - 
Time came into existence after the Big Bang which is indeed a human made "THEORY".....yess I'm not denying with the fact that it has proof such as CMBR (Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation)

And Big Bang is the measure of Time like
at the time of big bang it was ZERO and from that moment, universal clock time started.

And that's all I can conclude about Time Travel, although there are still much more theories and possible ways of time travel i wont be mentioning it right now!

Hope you learnt something new! As this was the most ever interesting topic of Astrophysics!
T H A N K Y O U ! !


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